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Nuchem is reeling from his separation from his wife Yides. He still loves her and hopes she’ll change her mind, but Yides is determined to get a divorce – right after they close a suitable match for Libbi, so that the divorce won’t hurt the match. Libbi asks her father to set a date with the young man she met on the tram, but her father is against her meeting some random guy and not through a pre-arranged match. Nuchem finds out that his favorite kugel restaurant is closed following the sudden death of its owner, Aharaleh Baumbach. Nuchem pays his respects to the widow, Penina Baumbach, and helps her through the difficult days of mourning. An especially good match offer arrives for Libbi, and Nuchem makes her go meet the young man. Libbi, whose heart still belongs to the young man from the tram, resists, but does as her father asks. The meeting turns out to be a big surprise. Nuchem receives an invitation to the fancy sauna, which he dreamt of visiting but was refused, and Libbi receives an opportunity to publish stories she wrote in Zmanim, the ultra-orthodox newspaper, with the help of Yoilish. This is her first step towards realizing her dream of becoming an author.
Up Next in Season 1
KUGEL | Episode 3 – To Be Continued
Libbi wakes up to an exciting morning when her story is published in Zmanim. But her joy fades when she realizes that she’s not getting paid for her writing. With the clever help of newspaper editor Borach, she manages to eventually get the newspaper to agree to pay her.
Nuchem spends more and m...