The Seam-Line – Episode 1
"The Seam Line" is an insightful documentary series that unravels the intricate tapestry of Jerusalem, a city balancing stability and chaos, navigating unity and division, juggling religion and conflicts, and transitioning from history to modernity. In this captivating series, Middle East expert Avi Melamed takes us on a journey through the labyrinth of Jerusalem's past and present, living on the edge of eternity.
In the first episode, we traverse through the intricate cityscape of Jerusalem, embarking on a temporal journey that exposes the many seam lines - both visible and invisible - characterizing this sacred city. As we navigate through Jerusalem's complex fabric, we build a crucial understanding, a necessary database that lays the foundation for comprehending the rest of the series and the city's contemporary reality.
This episode brings us face to face with an important truth about Jerusalem's geopolitical reality, a revelation with far-reaching implications. As we uncover this critical fact, we take a step closer to understanding the delicate balance that defines Jerusalem - a city that serves as the epicenter for history, culture, religion, and conflict, a volcano in the Middle East.