Amidst the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, hope emerged from the heart of two-seam line neighborhoods, East Talpiot and Jabal al-Mukabbar. In "Bridges | Fences," the final episode in this five-part groundbreaking series, we encounter the extraordinary efforts of community leaders who embarked on a journey of pragmatic dialogue, spearheaded by Avi Melamed, to forge a new reality of hope and mutual support. Thirty years later, Avi goes back to Meet Mukhtar Mukhtar Mahmoud Hamdan Hussein, the respected Arab community leader, and Tali Levit, an influential educator, and community leader, who were instrumental in the transformative – often secretive - dialogue during the violent years of the Intifada. Their conversations offer fascinating insights into the decades that have passed since their pioneering efforts. Meet Tami Lavie, a passionate social activist, who fosters connections between East Talpiot and neighboring Arab communities today. Gain invaluable insights into the complexities, and achievements, and reflect on the challenges they faced – then and today – on their journey towards understanding and coexistence. This thought-provoking episode highlights the power of pragmatic dialogue to achieve the shared aspirations of Arab and Jewish communities amidst conflict. Embark on this extraordinary episode, where bridges are built, fences are dismantled, and a glimmer of hope illuminates the path toward peace.