3 Seasons
"Shtisel" unfolds the intricate tapestry of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish family in Mea Shearim, Jerusalem. Follow the Shtisel family's dynamics, where patriarch Shulem and his children, Akiva and Gitti, grapple with love, tradition, and personal desires. The series explores the tensions between faith and modernity, providing a nuanced portrayal of relationships and identity within the close-knit community. Rich in emotion and cultural depth, "Shtisel" offers a compelling narrative of personal growth and the complexities of life in this unique setting.
47:32Episode 1
Shtisel Season 2, Episode 1 – Lemons
Episode 1
Bube Malka is still hospitalized and Shulem's brother arrives in Israel with his beautiful daughter. Lipah and Gitty find a strange ad.
Shtisel Season 2, Episode 2 – An important Friend
Episode 2
After giving birth, Gitty is afraid of the rich widow who suddenly entered her life. Gitty encouraged Akiva to start painting again.
Shtisel Season 2, Episode 3 – Steinsaltz & Shotstein
Episode 3
Libby and Akiva get closer, and the guy who met Libby is gone. Gitty finds it hard to forgive Lipa.
43:45Episode 4
Shtisel Season 2, Episode 4 – Maurizio
Episode 4
The guy who met Libby and was gone - suddenly reappears. Bube Malka finds out that her friend has a terminal disease.
Shtisel Season 2, Episode 5 – Suffering of Love
Episode 5
The Shtisel family is worried about Ruhami's crash wedding. Gitty is flooded with old love memories. Akiva gets a painting stipend.
44:57Episode 6
Shtisel Season 2, Episode 6 – Snow
Episode 6
Shulem meets the Widow Menuha, and a burning lamp causes various surprising and strange events.
Shtisel Season 2, Episode 7 – Lost Children
Episode 7
While preparing for the wedding, Shulem is reminded of his deceased wife's birthday.
Shtisel Season 2, Episode 8 – The Way of Jerusalem
Episode 8
Kaufman forbids Akiva to sleep in the studio. Shulem's fiance and his mother meet, But Bube embarrasses her son.
Shtisel Season 2, Episode 9 – Mourning & Comforting
Episode 9
Shulem and Nuchem sit Shiva after their mother's death.
Shtisel Season 2, Episode 10 – The Tragic Symphony
Episode 10
Libi and Akiva are happily engaged, but Kaufmann's threats are threatening to ruin their joy.
56:48Episode 11
Shtisel Season 2, Episode 11 – Twice Hidden
Episode 11
Akiva is trying to go back to painting, despite Libi's reservations.
51:39Episode 12
Shtisel Season 2, Episode 12 – Last Episode
Episode 12
In the final episode of the 2nd season, Shulem and Nuchem have a confrontation concerning Akiva's return to painting.