"Siren" follows the adventures of Eli, an Israeli high school kid who tries to find his place in society during Israel's Memorial Week for the victims of the Holocaust and fallen soldiers.
This program may contain strong language, nudity, and/or violence. Viewer discretion is advised.
Year: 2013
Language: Hebrew, English subtitles
Director: Jonah Bleicher
Producer: Francois Morisset
Starring: Ariel Kruszyn, Shani Aviv, Itai Eshet
Ben David
Eran is a religious Shin Bet (security agency) officer who is transferred to the Jewish Department in order to thwart "price tag" attacks. He soon realizes that he has to deal with the "Hilltop Youth," his contemporaries when he was young.
Year: 2017
Language: Hebrew, English subtitles
Director... -
Block 13
It's the night of Yom Kippur. Keren Hayesod Street lies in sacred silence. But David, a 16-year-old religious Jewish boy, is in turmoil. On the holiest of all night in the Hebrew year, he goes on a journey of sins to restore his waning faith in the creator.
This program may contain strong langua...
The Last Fisherman in the Sea of Gali...
An intimate and spiritual encounter of a Japanese director and a member of the Makuya community, which believes in both the Old and New Testament, as he follows an Israeli fisherman in the Sea of Galilee. The director has had only one question since his childhood: Why did Jesus choose his first d...