

5 Episodes

Mini-Series (5 Episodes)

OpenDor Media unpacks this mini-series about the much-hyped Israeli settlements.

Year: 2019
Language: English
Producer: OpenDor Media

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  • Settlements - Part 1 - What are the Israeli Settlements?

    Episode 1

    Discover the background of what settlements are, when they began, and what led to their creation.

    Year: 2019
    Language: English
    Producer: OpenDor Media

  • Settlements - Part 2 - The Jewish Connection to the Land

    Episode 2

    The West Bank is better known in Israel as Judah and Samaria. Why do the Jewish people have their own name for this area of Israel? What is the Jewish connection to this area, dating back millennia?

    Year: 2019
    Language: English
    Producer: OpenDor Media

  • Settlements - Part 3 - Israeli Settlers

    Episode 3

    As it turns out, the people who live in Israeli settlements is quite diverse, spanning the religious and political spectrum; the stereotypical “settler” may not be the most prevalent.

    Year: 2019
    Language: English
    Producer: OpenDor Media

  • Settlements - Part 4 - Palestinians of the West Bank

    Episode 4

    What is life is like for Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, from both the history of the conflict and modern-day issues? The episode expresses one of our core goals: to cultivate a passion for Zionism and Israel without sacrificing empathy for the other.

    Year: 2019
    Language: English

  • Settlements - Finale - Part 5 - The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process

    Episode 5

    What solutions have been attempted to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, why have they failed, and how can we learn from them moving forward? What are some possible solutions today? Should we work towards solving the conflict or minimizing it?

    Year: 2019
    Language: English
    Producer: OpenDor ...