"Screams Before Silence" is a compelling documentary produced by Kastina Communications, directed by Anat Stalinski, and featuring leadership by Sheryl Sandberg. Premiering globally on May 5th, 2024, on IZZY and available on YouTube and a dedicated website, the film brings to light the egregious sexual crimes committed by Hamas militants against Israeli women and girls during the ruthless attacks and captivity periods of recent conflicts.
Filmed in Israel in February 2024, just before a wave of testimonies flooded the media, the documentary includes chilling accounts from women who were kidnapped and survived the horrors of captivity. Featured survivors like Amit Susanna and Agam Goldstein-Almog share their traumatic experiences, alongside first responders who were among the first to arrive at the scenes of tragedy.
The film also captures the premiere held in New York, attended by government and media officials, highlighting its commitment to global awareness. By choosing platforms like IZZY and YouTube for its debut, the producers aim to ensure maximum visibility and impact, avoiding traditional channels that might downplay these crimes' severity.
Additionally, the film is endorsed by a haunting acoustic version of Ninet Tayeb's song "Reborn", which echoes the resilience and rebirth of the survivors. This decision underlines the documentary’s intent to resonate emotionally and foster a deeper understanding of the atrocities that were previously underreported by international media and human rights organizations.
As part of a broader effort by Castina Communications to focus on projects related to the ongoing conflict and its impact, "Screams Before Silence" stands as a testament to the voices that refuse to be silenced and the truth that demands to be heard.
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