Who are we and where did we come from? The three waves of immigration that determined the community and the three emigrations that recorded its decline.
Up Next in Season 1
Legends & Legacies, Episode 2 – Gib a...
From the “smous” (peddler) to the “machers” (business magnate), by way of traders, shopkeepers, Randlords and industrialists, the Jewish community has been a vital part of the nation’s economy.
Legends & Legacies, Episode 3 – Somet...
As the community established itself, it found an expression in bricks and mortar – synagogues, cemeteries, schools, social institutions (orphanages, old-age homes, sheltered employment, etc.), and suburbs—and a physical presence.
Legends & Legacies, Episode 4 – It Al...
How the Jewish community engaged with civil society around them, from the first Jewish mayor of Cape Town to the establishment of the State of Israel and the Nationalist Party election victory of 1948 .