

    "Savoy" is a captivating hybrid documentary directed by Zohar Wagner that unearths the untold story of Kochava Levy, a young housewife who became an unexpected heroine during one of the most terrifying nights in Israeli history. On a fateful night in March 1975, eight PLO gunmen stormed the Savoy...

  • The Longest Night

    "The Longest Night" is a powerful and emotionally charged film that brings to life the harrowing true story of the 1980 terror attack on Kibbutz Misgav-Am in Northern Israel. On that fateful night, a squad of five militants from the Iraqi-backed Arab Liberation Front infiltrated the kibbutz and s...

  • Under the Iron Dome

    1 season

    1 Season (3 Episodes)

    The untold story of why and how Israel engineered the world's most miraculous missile defense system, to shelter the brave citizens of Southern Israel when no solution was in sight.

    Year: 2020
    Language: Hebrew, English & Hebrew subtitles (use CC to activate)
    Director: Uri ...

  • The Prime Ministers

    1 season

  • Live or Die in Entebbe

    Operation Entebbe, hailed as the most brilliant rescue operation in recent history — and Israel's greatest mythological raid — is the Mimouni family's greatest tragedy.

    This program may contain strong language, nudity, and/or violence. Viewer discretion is advised.

    Year: 2012
    Language: Hebrew, ...

  • Our Struggle

    Through the microcosm of one family’s history, "Our Struggle" offers a unique glimpse into the past, present, and future of the State of Israel, a continuum that is closely intertwined with our own past, and at the same time reflects the current areas of conflict between the societies, cultures, ...

  • Six Day War Project

    Get a play-by-play of the incredible Six Day War in 1967, including the ins and outs of Israel’s strategy, leadership, and impressive military feats. But more than that, it opens the door to important questions and issues that Israel faced in the aftermath of the war, and still does to this day.

  • Rescuers

    Throughout history, God has sent people to help those in need. Whether a fledgling state, a victim of human trafficking, or a target of anti-Semitism online, God is still sending all kinds of individuals to rescue those in peril.

    Year: 2019
    Languages: English & Hebrew, English subtitles

  • Sabena Hijacking

    From the writer of "Fauda" comes this intense docu-drama based on the events of May 8, 1972, when four hijackers from the Palestinian organization "Black September" took control of a Sabena commercial airliner from Brussels to Tel Aviv.

    This program may contain strong language and/or violence. V...

  • Silent Sirens

    "Silent Sirens" is a powerful and thought-provoking drama that takes audiences on an immersive journey into the political and military realms that preceded the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Directed by the talented Ori Inbar and produced by Riki Shelach, this feature film is a testament to the art of ...

  • Obsession

    Prepare to be transported to a time of seismic change and extraordinary emotions in 'Obsession – Against the backdrop of Jerusalem – 1968.' This compelling film, based on true events from the director's own life, unfolds against the post-Six-Day War Jerusalem of 1968, a city teeming with tension,...

  • Altalena

    'Altalena' - an epic journey into the darkest chapter of Israel's history. This compelling documentary series delves deep into the dramatic and tragic story of the 'Altalena' ship, an event that etched itself into the nation's collective memory. As we journey through the tumultuous aftermath of I...

  • Now or Never

    Now or Never - The story of the United Nations declaration of the division of the State of Israel, which took place between November 29th, 1947, and May 1948. This compelling historical drama delves into the heart of one of the 20th century's most pivotal moments.
    Witness the intense political ne...

  • The Man Who Tried to Prevent War

    In 'The Man Who Tried to Prevent War,' an original Israeli drama, viewers are transported to a pivotal moment in history—the brink of the Six Day War. This compelling series delves deep into the decision-making process that unfolded before the war, with a primary focus on the determined efforts o...

  • Golda

    Shortly before her passing, Golda Meir was interviewed for Israeli television. After the shooting ended the cameras kept rolling, recording an intimate talk with the first and only woman to ever rule Israel. As she lit one cigarette off the other, Golda spoke freely, pleading her case for her ter...

  • Ben-Gurion, Epilogue

    This film brings to life a lost interview with one of modern history's greatest leaders, David Ben-Gurion. It is 1968, he is 82 and lives in the desert. Ben-Gurion's introspective soul-searching provides a surprising vision for crucial decisions Israel needs to make today. At the time of the glob...

  • Menachem Begin - Peace & War

    This powerful film was produced in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt and presents a surprising and unfamiliar portrait of Israel’s sixth prime minister. Menachem Begin led Israel for six dramatic and tumultuous years, which produced waves that are ...

  • In Search of Peace

    "In Search of Peace" chronicles Israel's first two decades, offering new insights on the origins of the Middle East conflict. Combining a rich tapestry of rare archival film and photos, the film offers a unique global perspective on one of the seminal events in the 3,500-year history of the Jewis...

  • On The Edge

    "ON THE EDGE" by Nurit Kedar delves deep into a harrowing chapter of Israel's past—the Yom Kippur War of 1973. As the conflict erupts on October 6th, the gripping narrative follows the pivotal events surrounding the capture and recapture of the Hermon outpost. With unmatched courage, soldiers eng...

  • Exodus - The True Story

    This is the story of three orphaned kids who in the end of World War II return home to discover they have no home and no parents. With no family left, they realize the only safe haven for them is Palestine. After a journey of two years across a shattered Europe and with help from the French gover...

  • Jews, Third Time

    As the State of Israel celebrates 70 years of independence, Rino Zror compares between the current Jewish state and the previous, historical ones. The resemblance is overwhelming. Only twice before can a full Jewish sovereignty be found: one lasted only 75 years, during the First Temple period, a...

  • There and Here

    This is the story of three ex-pilots and a navigator, all in their 80's, who in their youth embodied the perfect image of the model Israeli "Tsabar." The four decide to come clean about their true identities as Holocaust survivors and venture out on a journey throughout their lost childhoods, the...

  • The Legacy - Ben Zion Netanyahu

    A first glimpse into the life of Benzion Netanyahu, father of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as a Zionist, an intellectual, and a world-renowned historian. The documentary was filmed just before Benzion died at the age of 102.

    Year: 2012
    Languages: English and Hebrew, English subtitles

  • Beneath the Helmet

    A coming-of-age story which follows the journey of five Israeli high school graduates who are drafted into the army to defend their country. At the age of eighteen, away from their homes, family and friends, they undergo a demanding, inspiring journey, revealing the core of who they are and who t...